Our Patron

“After 100 years of growth, the community of Glamorgan Spring Bay can be very proud of the May Shaw Health Centre. We look forward to providing professional health services for another 100 years”.
Craig Johnston OAM.
Craig and his wife Jennifer have resided in the Swansea area for over 55 years. Originally moving from the southern midlands to their property “Brook Lodge”, in Cranbrook. After working the farm, they settled in the township of Swansea in the early 1990s. Shortly afterwards Craig was elected to Council and so began his connection to May Shaw as Chair of the Committee of Council which then managed the nursing home.
Craig was pivotal to May Shaw becoming an incorporated association in 2004 allowing it to be run as its own entity.
As a Councillor he was able to see firsthand the issues the community faced in the health arena and to use this to improve health outcomes for the municipality.
Craig was Chairman of the Board from 2004 to 2012. During the latter years of this time May Shaw was affected by a period of financial instability which was turned around through his and Jennifer’s dedication and commitment and much hard work. Craig remained on the Board until November 2020. Prior to his retirement he and Jennifer ensured the history of May Shaw would not be lost and funded the writing of a book “100 years of the May Shaw” which was endorsed by the Board. It is available for purchase through May Shaw direct or online via our website.
Craig became an OAM in 2013 in recognition of his commitment to community and May Shaw. His dedication to May Shaw continues with both he and Jennifer being respected life members, and Craig accepting the role of Patron, May Shaw in 2020.
May Shaw is very proud of our relationship with Craig and Jennifer and thank them most sincerely for their support over 20 years.
In Memoriam